What Now? Moving Forward in the Factoring Business After Being Defrauded

Behind every successful entrepreneur there are A LOT of failures, especially in the world of factoring. Being defrauded is a part of the factoring industry and it’s only a matter of time until it happens to you on some level. However, there’s a difference between coming out on top and going under. Here are some ideas on how to deal with being deceived and what to do when you find yourself asking, “What now?” (This article is a follow up to Protecting Yourself From Liars in the Factoring Industry  - Part 1) Add it to your business plan We know—this sounds a little crazy. But calculating losses into your expenses before they even happen is a smart idea. Think of this as your ‘rainy-day’ fund: just like you wouldn’t go into retirement … [Read more...]

Protecting Yourself from Liars in the Factoring Industry

It’s no surprise to anyone in the factoring world that fraud is always a risk. If you ask any factoring company owner, it’s not even a matter of “if,” but, “when.” As much as we want to believe that all of our clients are honest and full of integrity, the truth is: some just aren’t. While most factoring companies go through very thorough measures in order to protect themselves, no business is completely immune. When there are hundreds and thousands of dollars at stake, what’s the solution? Unfortunately, there isn’t one—unless you want all of your potential and current clients to take lie detector tests—which probably won’t be great for future business. However, if you know what to listen and look for, it’s possible to avoid being scammed … [Read more...]

Simple Cost-Cutting Strategies for Factoring Business Owners

It’s no surprise that factoring businesses, new or old, rely on steady and abundant cash flow in order to be profitable. Being smart about how and where to efficiently manage funds can make or break the difference between flourishing and floundering in the world of factoring. Check out these ideas on how to cut costs so that you’re not overspending in areas that could be hurting your factoring company. Replace Print with Social Media It may not seem like a big deal, but the use of social media for marketing is no longer an option. Given that social media/networking is the top online activity in the US, small businesses can use it to capitalize on increased brand exposure, web traffic and even possible sales. Social media offers … [Read more...]

Four Terrific Productivity Tricks for Factoring Broker

We all know how amazing it feels to be productive. How come sometimes it feels like we’re the most productive on Saturday mornings when we don’t necessarily have to be? Being productive at the office can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Setting yourself up for success is crucial to getting the most out of your time. The following tips include small changes that factoring business owners can make in their day-to-day activities to maximize their productivity. Turn on an alarm clock Most of us only use our alarm clock once a day (or more if you’re a repeat snooze-offender): when we wake up. However, most of us have different periods of ‘peak productivity’ throughout the day. Ask yourself: when do you feel like you’re consistently … [Read more...]

4 Online Marketing Predictions for Factoring Business Owners in 2015

A strong online presence is vital to marketing your factoring business in 2015. With ever-increasing competition for shrinking Google real estate, slapping up a website and establishing accounts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn simply won’t cut it anymore. The cash flow industry is competitive and online marketing can prove challenging to any factoring business. Change is the only constant in digital marketing, but here are four predictions that should hold true for online marketing in 2015. 1. Mobile matters more than ever Think about the last time you performed a Google search at home. Did you start up your desktop or pull out a phone or tablet? Even if you did the former, it’s likely a huge chunk of your prospects did the latter. If … [Read more...]

When Factoring Won’t Fit: A Look at Alternative Cash Flow Lenders

OnDeck. Rapid Advance. BlueVine. You can hardly turn on a television or radio or conduct an Internet search for factoring without these and other cash flow lending sites popping up. Alternative lending has become a highly publicized and, dare we say it, popular funding option for businesses to pursue. Great, you say. Why should I care? Over the last two months we covered a variety of situations that make a traditional factoring arrangement difficult, if not impossible, to close. Cash flow lenders can fund those deals that factoring companies are unable or unwilling to touch, adding another arrow to your quiver of resources to benefit your prospects. Alternative lenders can work with nearly any deal, including small medical deals; … [Read more...]

Prospect Yellow Flags: Factoring Deals to Approach with Caution

Last month, we covered a number of red flags for factoring brokers to avoid when working with a prospect. Besides those “back away now” situations, there are other things that can complicate your efforts to find a factoring company to work with the lead. While these are circumstances that may be resolved favorably, it is still worth your time to gather all of the information you can before investing your efforts in placing the deal. If you encounter the following situations, proceed with caution: Bad personal credit (with or without liens) To place a deal where the prospect has poor personal credit, you have to know which of your funders is willing to work with those deals. Tax liens fall into this category as well: because the … [Read more...]

Red Flags of Factoring: When to Walk (or Run) Away From a Deal

“Time is money” is a cliché, but also a reality of the factoring industry. Unfortunately, all too often we waste time – and money – chasing prospects and shopping deals to any number of funders without identifying the fundamental issues that will doom a deal before you make the first pitch. Before you invest in any deal you must ask: will any rational funder make this work? Without delving into funder preferences and gray areas, there are five red flags you should look for in any factoring lead you come across: Medical deals with very low dollar amounts Medical factoring in particular is very time and effort intensive. While some medical factoring companies will at least take a look at very small deals, the majority will determine that … [Read more...]

Factoring Leads: Shifting from Marketing to Sales

Marketing is the key to generate leads, identify future prospects and convince others of the value of working with you. It follows that most articles on marketing focus firmly on getting the most benefit from your marketing methods – should you purchase pay-per-click ads? How should you incorporate social media? Do email blasts really work? However, once your marketing is successful – as measured by a prospect reaching out by phone or contact form – how do you transition from marketing to sales? Sales strategies vary greatly between different companies, between prospects working with the same company, and even at times in working with a single prospect. With that in mind, below are several questions (and a few suggestions) to consider … [Read more...]

“Show Me the Money”: How Do Your Factoring Partners Pay Commissions?

You’ve begun working with a factoring company that handles your leads well. They keep you updated, follow up on a regular basis, and they have successfully closed a deal. Now, you say, it’s time to show me the money…but just how much money will you get? We are not lawyers, and we don’t play them on TV, but we can’t stress enough the importance of thoroughly reading your broker agreement. The agreement should clearly define every question you might have about if, when, and how you are to be paid for your referred leads. Below are just some of the commission questions that you should have answered before you send any leads. Do you get paid for your leads? What are the circumstances under which you get paid? More importantly, are there … [Read more...]