Reviewing Financial Statements

dottedlineWe are often asked to comment on how a consultant can use a company’s financial statements (Balance Sheets, Income Statements and invoice aging reports) to highlight the benefits of factoring their accounts receivables.

Below, you will find those areas of the reports that you can concentrate on and how you can best use this information to improve your chances of closing the deal!

Understanding the Balance Sheet from a Selling Perspective:

  • Factoring simply turns one asset (Accounts Receivable) into another asset (Cash) – said another way. Factoring is “Off Balance Sheet” financing as you don’t incur any liabilities when financing this way (nothing to balance).
  • By reducing your potential liabilities, you will increase your equity in your business “remember the equation” –  Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity, therefore, if you decrease your liabilities, you increase your Equity!

Reviewing the Income Statement from a Selling Perspective:

  • Turning the Non Performing Assets –  on the balance sheet “Accounts Receivable” into cash –  can free up the working capital to:
    • Take advantage of supplier discounts
    • Meet payroll and other expenses
    • Provide the cash needed for expansion and growth
  • Millennium Funding will provide ancillary services, such as, credit, collection, invoicing and payroll which will reduce administrative expenses significantly.

Reviewing the Aging report from a selling perspective

  • Can the client take on more debtors as a result of now having the cash flow to buy more supplies or hire more people?
  • Can the client create more business from existing customers by allowing them to extend payment terms?
  • Can the client start to bid on government contracts now that they will have the cash flow to cover the delayed payments that are inherent when working with the government?
Timothy J. Sardinia – Mr. Sardinia is currently a Partner with Canfield Capital Management, LLC, a Member of Steelkilt, LLC, a Member of Millennium Automotive Group, a Member of Millennium Legal Funding. Tim can be reached at or by calling 716-204-4800.


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