Are There Too Many Factoring Companies?

Over the last several years it seems that competition among factoring companies has increased dramatically. The supply and demand between invoice factoring companies and qualified prospects has tipped to the point where too many funders are chasing too few deals. Just look around at some of the social media boards where a broker posts a potential lead and ten different factoring companies respond to it. Economics 101 teaches us that a perfectly competitive market structure is one where there are many buyers and sellers, homogeneous products and relatively free entry and exit in the marketplace. I will be the first to go on record to say that I believe that competition is the cornerstone of our economy which makes us the great … [Read more...]

Like Apples to Oranges: Why You Can’t Compare Factors

When the clock is ticking and your business finances are at stake, how do you sift through your options to find the best factoring company? Locating great services for any type of need is challenging, so we often generalize to make things easier: for example, only considering location and cost vs. quality to find a good value. Sometimes this works, and to some extent you may be able to compare factoring companies in the same industry by fees, rates, and contract perks. Choosing a factor based on value is a disaster for your company when the factor isn’t … [Read more...]

Factoring Companies USA

Choosing a quality company that buys invoices can be as challenging as trying to guess the number of marbles in a large jar. It can also be tough to separate the good from the bad – this is the very reason we created the Factoring Directory. … [Read more...]