Factoring Small Receivables “How to Make Money in Little Deals the Big Guys Brush Off”

This how-to manual teaches everything you need to know about starting and running a small factoring business.

With common sense directions and first-person experiences giving a “been there” flavor to each page, you’ll learn how factoring small receivables can be a lucrative, enjoyable business and an excellent tool for investing retirement or discretionary investment funds.

You will discover…

  • How a small factor can profitably purchase low volume client receivables when big factoring companies can’t.
  • Numerous marketing methods that will bring in plenty of business.
  • Many common mistakes others have made – and how to avoid them.
  • How to limit risk using proper due diligence, routine procedures, and numerous other strategies to keep your funds as safe as possible.
  • Available credit reporting resources, where to find them, and how to use them.
  • Record keeping techniques that assure a smooth-running operation.
  • QuickBooks setup and entry methods to make tracking your profitability easy.
  • Reviews of industry-specific software that is available, what it can do, how much it costs, and where to get it.
  • A sample factoring transaction that ties it all together so you’ll know just what to do and can proceed with confidence.
  • Numerous resources on the internet and other easy to find places that provide a wealth of information and powerful tools for beginning and experienced factors alike.

The material is presented in an engaging writing style that is upbeat, fast reading, and entertaining.

About the Author: Jeff Callender has been factoring small receivables since 1994. With his books, articles, web sites, classes and workshops, he has taught thousands how to profit with this lucrative investment. This book reveals the essentials you must understand in order to safely make these remarkable returns. First published in 1995 this updated 7th edition is full of new information and resources.