In my early days in the factoring business, prospect calls were few and far between. Whenever the phone rang, I grabbed it quickly and hoped for the best. In those days, the process of qualifying a prospect could take me up to an hour. I would have long detailed conversations, learning everything I could about the client’s business. After these detailed calls, I would hand the client off to the factoring company I thought would help them best. But there were two problems with this strategy. First, it was not a very effective use of my time. Especially when I found out, 45 minutes into a call, that the prospect would not qualify for factoring. And second, it did not scale well. It wasn’t long before I was on the phone eight hours … [Read more...]
Referral Sources Produce Qualified Leads!
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In order to become a successful Consultant in the Factoring industry, you have to consistently Find your Prospects, Expose your Prospects to you the Consultant, Educate the Prospects about the services you provide and WIFT (What is in it for them) or why should they do business with you? … [Read more...]