Let’s face it – sometimes your marketing strategy can take the back seat when it comes to building and growing a small business. This can be especially true for invoice factoring companies, in which often times, employees wear more than one hat. Whether your marketing team is one person or ten, these tools are sure to help you expand your marketing operations and increase brand awareness. Hootsuite It’s impossible nowadays to market your business without social media. However, the amount of social media tools we’re now expected to keep up with can be overwhelming. Lighten your load with a tool like Hootsuite, which is a social-media management system. With Hootsuite, you have the capability to maintain and schedule posts for all of your … [Read more...]
Marketing Apps and Tools to Help Your Invoice Factoring Business Soar
Simple Cost-Cutting Strategies for Factoring Business Owners

It’s no surprise that factoring businesses, new or old, rely on steady and abundant cash flow in order to be profitable. Being smart about how and where to efficiently manage funds can make or break the difference between flourishing and floundering in the world of factoring. Check out these ideas on how to cut costs so that you’re not overspending in areas that could be hurting your factoring company. Replace Print with Social Media It may not seem like a big deal, but the use of social media for marketing is no longer an option. Given that social media/networking is the top online activity in the US, small businesses can use it to capitalize on increased brand exposure, web traffic and even possible sales. Social media offers … [Read more...]
10 Ways To Start Marketing A Factoring Business Online

You know you need to start marketing your factoring business online but where do you start? The time, cost, and sheer volume of information can be overwhelming – paralyzing even! Don’t despair, here’s your... Ten Step Online Marketing Plan for Factoring Companies Step 1 - Build A Factoring Business Website In the U.S. alone there are over 250 million people or 80% of the population using the Internet (Source: Internet Live Stats) and the first place they go to check something out is an online search. In 2014, websites are the new storefronts! The good news is a website is much cheaper than retail or office space, with great web design options available for under $500. And let's not forget mobile users! A website should be … [Read more...]
Is Invoice Factoring Becoming Mainstream?

Let’s say you are in business for yourself and begin your morning ritual. Coffee. Email. Facebook. You know…not quite ready to get into the day-to-day stress of work, employees, and cash flow issues. Then you see this on Facebook…. Invoice Factoring has entered social media…and in a BIG way. And when something enters social media…it becomes mainstream. And mainstream means, potentially, big profits. Fundbox.com is just one such factoring company* that understands the importance of social media, websites and online marketing. *[UPDATE: Tomer Michaeli, co-founder at Fundbox, was nice enough to contact us and give us a bit more insight to their business model. - "Fundbox is not a factoring company...We are a technology … [Read more...]
An Invitation to Connect With Factoring Investor on LinkedIn

We are excited to announce the new Factoring Investor Group on LinkedIn dedicated to providing information on the Factoring Industry. Whether you are a business looking for financing alternatives, a broker receiving commissions, or an investor seeking solid returns this group is here to help. The group is moderated meaning that members need to join and discussions must be approved. This helps reduce the spam and keeps the focus on invoice financing. We invite you to click here to join this factoring networking group today. If you are new to social media networking then we have you covered with... 7 Tips for Getting the Most Out of LinkedIn For Factoring Professionals 1. Use a Profile Picture Sorry but you don’t get to be the … [Read more...]
Social Media: Worth the Time for Factors?

Factors and brokers know that time is everything when it comes to factoring. In order to find and close deals, connecting and following up with a lead quickly is essential. Marketing is an important part of growing any business. That’s why factoring companies often devote a substantial amount of time to marketing, advertising and branding efforts. Social Buzz Social media seems to be the new hot thing when it comes to online marketing—after all, there is a huge audience available, it’s targeted, and it is about as cheap as it gets. Current marketing research from HubSpot shows that social media produces double the leads of trade shows or pay-per-click advertising. Also, companies that generate over 1,000 Facebook likes are also likely to … [Read more...]
Factoring Training: Social Media and Small Business

Whether you are in the factoring business or cater to another industry, without customers your chance of survival is basically nil. The cornerstone of any business consists of … [Read more...]