Tips For Starting a Small Business Factoring Company
Wondering how to start or grow a small business factoring company? Based on two decades of experience, Jeff Callender shares his tips for factors … [Read More...]

Starting Your Own Factoring Business? It’s Your Call
At some point in our working lives many of us think about starting a business and being our own boss. The thought of … [Read More...]

Accounts Receivable Factoring Examples
For some business owners accounts receivable factoring will provide solutions when all other avenues fail. Of course the greatest area of concern is usually the factoring fees leading many to … [Read More...]

How I Run My One Person Factoring Business
Have you wondered what it takes to run a small factoring operation by yourself or with just a family member? What do you need for day-to-day operations in terms of equipment, technology, … [Read More...]
Recent Articles

What’s Next After Being Approved for Invoice Factoring
June 6, 2019 By Factor Finders
So, you decided to factor your invoices. You’ve discovered that factoring your invoices allows you to get funds immediately without the worry of acquiring debt. You’ve applied for accounts receivable factoring through a factoring company and you’ve been approved. Now that the hard part is over, what’s next? Many businesses aren’t sure what the next steps to take after being approved for invoice factoring and receiving cash. There are some smart ways to use the funds as a means to your cash … [Read More...]

Tax Deductibles and Factoring Fees
March 15, 2019 By Factor Finders
In the spirit of the season, it’s time to file your taxes. Your tax returns verify your previous income level and are proof of the tax obligations you have fulfilled – both filing and payment. It is recommended to turn to a creditable tax agent to ensure everything is done correctly. For better understanding of your invoice factoring terms of agreement, reach out to your factoring company. There is a lot to be determined when determining if the receivables you factored are taxable. How a … [Read More...]

2019 International Factoring Conference
January 5, 2019 By Factoring Investor
The 25th Annual Factoring Conference will be held at the Manchester Hyatt in San Diego, CA! The event is hosted by the International Factoring Association and features industry information from accredited speakers, expert panels and roundtable events, networking opportunities and evening receptions. 2019 Factoring Speakers, Panels, Roundtable and More Speakers Erik Wahl - UNthink Simon Anderson - Recognizing the Technologies and Trends That Are Transforming Factoring and Techniques to … [Read More...]

5 Tips for a Successful Freight Broker Social Media Strategy
November 7, 2018 By Factor Finders
Having a strong social media presence is no longer an option for freight brokers; it is a need. Social media for B2B has become an essential method of marketing. It has its leverage in every industry you can think of. While the common B2B marketing tactics include email and website marketing, the power of social media should not be forgotten. It is a missed opportunity when B2B companies don’t take advantage of the perks that comes with social media. It’s a great way to get information out … [Read More...]

Best Video Marketing Practices for Factoring Companies
March 16, 2018 By Factor Finders
Being in the B2B finance industry, sometimes marketing ideas can feel limited. However, social media allows you to market to an audience creatively. With social media and mobile users increasing each year across all industries, it’s important for B2B companies, particularly those in the factoring world, to jump in and engage prospects. One way to reach a new audience, or keep in touch with your current one, is by creating videos. In fact, many marketers consider video as a leading form of … [Read More...]

2018 International Factoring Association Conference
December 13, 2017 By Factoring Investor
The 24th Annual Factoring Conference will be held at Fontainebleau in Miami Beach, Florida May 9 - 12, 2018! The event, brought to you by the International Factoring Association, features industry information from accredited speakers, expert panels and roundtable events, networking opportunities and evening receptions. 2018 Speakers, Panels, Roundtable and More Speakers Chef Jeff Henderson -Leadership Lessons from a Hustler Robert Stephens - Disruption, One Industry At A Time … [Read More...]

10 Apps to Help A Factoring Business Stay Organized
June 15, 2017 By Factor Finders
Organization can easily slip through the cracks when you’re running a busy factoring business. Perhaps you’ve forgotten to email information to a recent prospect or you’ve missed an important conference call because you lost track of time. If you’ve ever found yourself sitting through piles of paperwork to locate a phone number or accidently throwing away something valuable, you’re not alone. Keeping your documents and to-dos organized may seem like a full-time job on its own, but it doesn’t … [Read More...]

8 Email Marketing Tips For Factoring Brokers
January 31, 2017 By Factor Finders
8 Tips to Reach Your Prospects With Email Marketing For Factoring Brokers... It’s not easy to market to new factoring prospects. Many marketing tactics exist to effectively generate new leads including social media, blogging, paid advertising, direct mail and email marketing. While all of these strategies are effective and necessary forms of marketing, email marketing allows factoring brokers to reach prospects in seconds at a very low cost, with more personalization options. It’s an … [Read More...]

Home Care is a Great Opportunity for the Factoring Industry
November 15, 2016 By Philip Cohen
Don’t let the term medical receivable fool you. The rapid growth in home health care is creating opportunity in the factoring industry similar to traditional staffing. According to a (not surprising) 2010 AARP survey, 9 out of 10 older Americans said they’d rather be cared for in their homes than in a nursing home. As the baby boomer generation ages, Medicaid had to evolve to meet the needs of this large demographic. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced a number of new incentives that … [Read More...]

10 Questions to Ask Before Signing a Factoring Contract
August 30, 2016 By Reed Corry
If you are considering factoring your receivables, you are probably already aware of its benefits. But other things are essential to know before you sign on the bottom line with a factoring firm. The most important is this: not every factoring firm is the same! Not only does every company have its own procedures and requirements, but some also have more experience in certain industries and factoring methods than others. Here is a list of questions you should ask before signing a factoring … [Read More...]

How to Get More Leads in the Factoring Industry
July 1, 2016 By Factor Finders
Looking to get more leads this year? We get it. The factoring industry is not always easy to promote. There are so many avenues a factoring company can take in order to appeal to potential clients. It is important to take into account all possible industries when you are promoting your factoring business. Every customer that comes to your site wants to feel included and have their voice heard. Just think if you were a small business owner looking for funding, what would speak to you the … [Read More...]

Look Inside To Be Successful In Your Factoring Business
June 3, 2016 By Don DAmbrosio
Whenever you watch a sporting event whether it’s baseball, football, hockey, basketball or some other sport, the objective is to score as many points as possible to beat your opponent. I usually score really high at my favorite sport--unfortunately it involves golf clubs and a little white ball. The same is true for the factoring business. Whether your company is a startup or a seasoned veteran your goal is to score points in the form of revenues while keeping expenses low and eventually … [Read More...]

Earth Day Tips For An Ecofriendly Factoring Business
April 1, 2016 By Factor Finders
April 22nd will mark the 46th annual Earth Day, an internationally recognized holiday that promotes environmental conservation and energy efficiency—does your factoring company/brokerage have a plan to contribute to the cause? If not, no worries—there is still time to come up with something. From making your factoring firm more ecofriendly to choosing an ongoing project with which to get involved, there are numerous ways that your factoring business can join the movement and do its … [Read More...]