Delinquent Debt How to Make Good Money With Bad Debt!

Delinquent-Debt-200For better or worse, the United States economy runs on debt. In fact consumer credit alone totals over 2.4 trillion dollars (Federal Reserve August 2009 statistical release). That doesn’t even include the big-ticket items like mortgages, commercial debt, and business loans!

Now think about the state of the economy and the never ending reports on delinquencies, slow pays, and bad debt. If you are looking for the opportunity in this dismal economy…. think delinquent debt!

Sound crazy? Think it through:

  • What do all businesses have in common?
  • What do all businesses have whether they want it or not?
  • What would all businesses love to get rid of?
  • What is worth money to a business, and yet they often just throw it away?

You guessed it, delinquent debt!

The fastest way to establish credibility and begin working relationships with current or new prospects is to buy a few million dollars of delinquent debt off their books.

If you want to make money in delinquent debt then learn from the professionals. For the past ten years Larry and Marilyn Singer have been using delinquent debt to open doors that would normally have been closed.

They share their knowledge and expertise in Delinquent Debt: A Broker’s Manual. This step-by-step guide is a proven system for successfully brokering portfolios of delinquent debt for fun and profit. asked Larry Singer to expand on how this system has worked so well for their business.

From Larry Singer:

When Marilyn and I first went into the cash flow business, we targeted areas with which we were familiar, mortgages, business notes and factoring. During a conversation, a prospect said that he had a lot of delinquent accounts that they were trying to clean up. Being the diligent cash flow consultant she is, Marilyn pursued the conversation and the rest is history.

For the past ten years we have used delinquent debt to open doors that would normally have been closed. Starting a conversation by telling a person that we are interested in purchasing his delinquent accounts that he has already charged off his books gets his attention very fast.

“Brokering Delinquent Debt for Fun and Profit” is the result of years of experience in the Marketing and Cash Flow Industry and is a plain language guide to help you open doors to profitable areas in the cash flow industry.

If a business has been doing business over a period of years, in all likelihood that they have accumulated a volume of delinquent debt.

Just think, if you had delinquent accounts on the books and someone called you and said they would like to buy them. Wouldn’t that conversation build credibility with you? Of course it would.

That conversation would make it easy for you to talk about factoring of accounts receivable that could possibly cut way back on future delinquencies and open conversations on equipment leasing, business notes and many other lucrative income streams.

Where there are delinquent accounts, there are performing accounts.

Where there are performing accounts, there are new opportunities for the cash flow professional.

Would you like to know:

  • Where to locate profitable delinquent debt portfolios?
  • Ways to find and speak to the right people?
  • How to get around the gatekeeper?
  • How to talk the talk?
  • How to turn delinquent debt into current profits?
  • How to position yourself as valuable cash flow resource?
  • What information you will need to know?
  • How to convert delinquent debt prospects into long term clients?
  • How to open doors in all areas of the cash flow business and establish credibility?

All this and more is provided in the step-by-step system from Marilyn and Larry Singer including:

Delinquent-Debt-200– Delinquent Debt: A Broker’s Manual (Read over 85 pages in eBook format)

– Audio Presentation (Listen to the MP3 presentation)

–  Power Point Presentation (Follow along in PDF format)

–  Scripts

– Targeted Marketing Letters

– Ready to Use Forms

– All available immediately in download format!

This easy to read and use program walks you through all the steps from finding delinquent debt portfolios–and they are everywhere–to brokering them.

Don’t wait another day without exploring this incredible door opening income stream.

Don’t let another prospect get way because you didn’t offer them the right solution.

Begin relationships.

Open new doors with new and current prospects.

Our apologies, this item is no longer carried on our website.  Please visit our Factoring Bookstore for current publications.

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