Fred Leder

fred_lederheadshot1Fred Leder began his career as a factoring consultant (DCFS) in 1995. As a successful broker, he was identified by Sun Capital and was hired in 2000 as a business development officer. Today as the VP of Business Development for Sun Capital Inc and Sun Capital Healthcare, Inc. his responsibilities are to continue to prospect for new business and to interface with and train new (or seasoned) consultants.

Fred was a visiting instructor for The American Cash Flow Institute for over 5 years and has lectured at numerous Cash Flow industry conventions discussing everything from marketing techniques to the details of medical and government factoring.

Fred has also lectured at medical and financial industry events such as Medtrade, HFMA, Florida Medical Association’s Asset Protection seminar, Foster & Dunhill’s International Asset Protection Seminars, and numerous ACFA chapters throughout the country. Fred Leder can be reached via email at or by calling 1 (800) 880-1709.


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