Unlocking the Cash in Your Company “How to Get Unlimited Funds Without a Loan”

Do You Need Capital for Your Company?

Will factoring help your small business?

Learn how selling your invoices can generate immediate cash flow, who can qualify, when to factor and when not to, how to find the right factor, how to know if a factor is right for your company, and much more.

This book introduces an alternative means of financing called factoring which is misunderstood by some business owners, unknown to most, yet available to many who cannot obtain a bank loan. It can open doors you never knew existed to provide the cash your company sorely needs.

You Will Discover…

  • Why you may never have heard of factoring, despite its existence for centuries.
  • What types of businesses qualify for these funds and the simple requirements to meet.
  • Why many companies turned down by banks are welcomed by factors.
  • Tips and resources to make your search for a factor fast and inexpensive.
  • Features and services to look for in a factor…and clues as to which factors to avoid.
  • What to expect in the application process, and its speed compared to traditional loans.
  • Common factoring procedures and why they are utilized.
  • How to inform your customers you are factoring in a way that strengthens your business.
  • A flowchart of the pre-funding steps, plus another of a normal factoring transaction from start to finish.
  • Faulty assumptions often made about factoring, and mistakes to avoid once you’re under way.

About the Author: Jeff Callender has been factoring small receivables since 1994. With his books, articles, web sites, classes and workshops, he has taught thousands how to profit with this lucrative investment. This book reveals the essentials you must understand in order to safely make these remarkable returns.