Have you wondered what it takes to run a small factoring operation by yourself or with just a family member? What do you need for day-to-day operations in terms of equipment, technology, documentation, and know-how? Factoring receivables can be a lucrative business with high returns, but you need to know how to manage the business with minimal overhead. Overseeing employees adds significant additional costs and responsibilities. This informative ebook is written in the first-person by Jeff Callender, a well-respected small ticket factor who has been in the business since the mid-90s. Jeff shows simply and clearly how he has run his company year after year with no employees. Discover how his use of current technology, … [Read more...]
The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Alternative Financing
What The Small Business Owner Must Know to Get Through These Financial Times! New Book Release by Karlene Sinclair-Robinson, Certified Cash Flow Consultant. Our current national financial situation makes it even harder for small businesses to qualify for bank financing. Balancing the scale in this arena is vital, but will it even out for you? … [Read more...]
Small Business Factoring Success Story
Do you ever wonder what people who are now factors used to do before they became factors? The diversity in backgrounds is fascinating and in this article, small factor Jeff Callender chats with colleague Don D'Ambrosio of Oxygen Funding, Inc, and uncovers some intriguing personal, and national, history. Jeff Callender: As an author and trainer of small factors, over the past year I have received many phone calls from people presently or formerly working in the mortgage industry who have been considering factoring as a new career. I realized it would be both interesting and educational to have a conversation with someone once involved in the mortgage industry for many years, and who made the jump. In this interview you'll find his … [Read more...]
Small Factor Series – 6 Essential eBooks for Factors and Consultants
The Small Factor Series is a powerful how-to system for anyone wanting to make money with small invoice factoring and accounts receivable financing. This complete package contains the following 6 eBooks available for instant download. Factoring Fundamentals How You Can Make Large Returns in Small Receivables Are you seeking dependable income with the hours you choose from any location you want? This introductory volume in The Small Factor Series, shows how you can make middle to high double digit annualized returns no matter how much you invest! Gain access to all the information a newcomer to factoring needs to know when starting out in this remarkable investment. Read More... Factoring Small Receivables How To Make Money in Little … [Read more...]
Marketing Tools For Small Factors & Consultants – A Hands-On Guide to Methods That Work
What are the most effective marketing methods to find new factoring clients? This is a vital question confronting all factors and factoring consultants, especially those new to the business. Yet surprisingly little is written to answer such a key issue. This book shows which tools work (and which haven't worked) for seven professionals in the industry. You Will Discover: The most effective methods which have the lowest cost - or no cost at all. Methods too often used by newcomers which are quite expensive and generate very little (if any) business. How to define your "choice client" then identify and zero in on that audience. Specific advice about what to do (and what not to do) as you get started. Unique methods not often … [Read more...]
Factoring Fundamentals – How You Can Make Large Returns in Small Receivables
Are you seeking a way of making dependable income with the hours you choose from any location you want? Would you like to make consistent, "even routine" high investment returns without the roller coaster ride of stocks, options, futures, and other risky investments? This book opens a new world of creating income in a way unfamiliar to most people. You will be introduced to an enterprise that is win-win for you and the small businesses you will help. Do this part-time or full-time, you decide. If you need to make dependable, high returns with a hands-on investment, are looking for a way to add a lucrative income stream to your existing work, or are just interested in making very good money, this book is for you. You will … [Read more...]
Unlocking the Cash in Your Company “How to Get Unlimited Funds Without a Loan”
Do You Need Capital for Your Company? Will factoring help your small business? Learn how selling your invoices can generate immediate cash flow, who can qualify, when to factor and when not to, how to find the right factor, how to know if a factor is right for your company, and much more. This book introduces an alternative means of financing called factoring which is misunderstood by some business owners, unknown to most, yet available to many who cannot obtain a bank loan. It can open doors you never knew existed to provide the cash your company sorely needs. You Will Discover... Why you may never have heard of factoring, despite its existence for centuries. What types of businesses qualify for these funds and the simple … [Read more...]
Factoring Small Receivables “How to Make Money in Little Deals the Big Guys Brush Off”
This how-to manual teaches everything you need to know about starting and running a small factoring business. With common sense directions and first-person experiences giving a "been there" flavor to each page, you'll learn how factoring small receivables can be a lucrative, enjoyable business and an excellent tool for investing retirement or discretionary investment funds. You will discover... How a small factor can profitably purchase low volume client receivables when big factoring companies can't. Numerous marketing methods that will bring in plenty of business. Many common mistakes others have made - and how to avoid them. How to limit risk using proper due diligence, routine procedures, and numerous other strategies to … [Read more...]
Factoring Case Studies – Learn and Profit from Experienced Small Factors
What Are Factoring Clients Really Like? Are they honest, hard-working people who appreciate and absolutely need your help or crooks out to rip you off? This book gives first-hand accounts, written by eight experienced small factors, of 21 client case studies. Each is true and full of practical wisdom and essential lessons. You will discover... 10 case studies of good and even great clients - and what makes them both attractive and profitable to the factors who fund them. 11 case studies of negative experiences, some of which are downright awful - and guidance as to how to avoid such disasters. Hundreds of tips, identified by various icons in the margins of each page. These icons indicate good advice, red flags, factoring … [Read more...]