Have you wondered what it takes to run a small factoring operation by yourself or with just a family member? What do you need for day-to-day operations in terms of equipment, technology, documentation, and know-how? Factoring receivables can be a lucrative business with high returns, but you need to know how to manage the business with minimal overhead. Overseeing employees adds significant additional costs and responsibilities. This informative ebook is written in the first-person by Jeff Callender, a well-respected small ticket factor who has been in the business since the mid-90s. Jeff shows simply and clearly how he has run his company year after year with no employees. Discover how his use of current technology, … [Read more...]
Factor Marketing – 5 Proven Referral Sources
A factoring broker has excellent earning potential referring business to factoring companies for accounts receivable funding. But before there are commissions there must first be prospects, which all stems from active marketing. Successful factoring brokers continually turn to referral based marketing as a key component of an effective marketing plan. Consider these five proven performers when developing factoring referral business: … [Read more...]
5 Keys to Factor Marketing Success!
Successful Factoring Consultants utilize a marketing plan to stay focused and on track in developing business. Here are 5 essential keys to building an effective targeted marketing plan, … [Read more...]
Take Aim With Factor Marketing!
"IF YOU AIM AT NOTHING YOU WILL HIT IT!" What an interesting phrase but how does it relate to the Factoring Industry? Many Factoring Consultants exhaust their marketing efforts with a shotgun approach, never aiming or directing a Target marketed message to a Target marketed audience. Unfortunately, these individuals end up creating a lot of activity but not being very productive. … [Read more...]
How Can I Earn Commissions in Factoring?
Moneymaking opportunities abound for factoring brokers and cash flow consultants. … [Read more...]