A tough economy, increased competition, and new technology are some of the challenges (and opportunities) being faced in the factoring business. We recently talked with Jeff Callender, President of Dash Point Financial, to get his insights on significant changes experienced by factoring brokers and companies. Jeff answered two important questions and you'll enjoy his straight forward answers! … [Read more...]
Factoring Broker Training – Making the Most of 30 Seconds
Ready to market your factoring business? It’s time to perfect your intro with these… Factoring Broker Training Tips! One of the first marketing skills to master as a factoring broker is creating and delivering your personal 30-second infomercial. No, we’re not talking about … [Read more...]
Starting Your Own Factoring Business? It’s Your Call
At some point in our working lives many of us think about starting a business and being our own boss. The thought of … [Read more...]
Factoring Training for Small Business Funding
Working with small businesses receivables is a specialized segment of the factoring industry. It's also lucrative! Less competition from the large factoring companies can equal more opportunity. Just ask Jeff Callender, founder of Dash Point Financial Services. He went from start-up cash flow broker to small business factoring funder in just a few short years. Jeff generously shares his tips for success gained from real life experience. In addition to his acclaimed Small Factors Book series, he provides workshop instruction at factoring trainings and association meetings. Here's a look at an upcoming workshop designed especially for small business factoring. International Factoring Association Presents: Small Factors … [Read more...]