How to Identify a Fraudulent Factoring Deal

Discover the 3 red flags a factoring broker or company should watch for that can be early warning signs of a fraudulent deal. Some of the specific due diligence procedures factoring firms perform on new factoring candidates are cumbersome and/or costly. Because of this, it’s very rare that a factoring firm would ask a cash flow professional to conduct a thorough analysis as part of an early pre-qualification process. Furthermore, a factoring company won’t even do an in-depth investigation on a prospect until after … [Read more...]

A Call to Factoring Brokers – What’s Up?

What makes some factoring brokers successful and others fade away?  Get three important steps from Don D'Ambrosio in his Call to Factoring Brokers! In the past I’ve written about the pivotal role a factoring broker can play in the cash flow industry. In my November 2011 piece titled, “A How To Guide For Factoring Brokers”, we received an overwhelming response from interested people from all parts of the globe looking to get involved in the factoring industry. That’s the good news. Unfortunately, I have also found that a large percentage of these “new brokers” had … [Read more...]

Now is the Time to Sell Temporary Staffing Factoring

Discover why recent US labor statistics reveal that now is an excellent time for brokers to sell temporary staffing factoring in this article from Nikki Flores of PRN Funding. Did you know that many experts look at transitions within the temporary staffing industry to help make predictions about the future of our country’s economy? The reason is because the temporary staffing industry is deeply intertwined with all facets of Corporate America. Allow me to elaborate… … [Read more...]

Factoring Business Website and Survey Results!

That is right! We turned our recent factoring business marketing survey results into a video case study! Plus there's a special announcement on the new factoring websites you won't want to miss. … [Read more...]

Surprises in the Factoring Industry Aren’t Always a Good Thing

Factoring business owner reveals why he'd rather avoid surprises in the factoring industry in this month's article from Don D'Ambrosio of Oxygen Funding. When most of us hear the word surprise, it is usually associated with a good feeling that was unexpected. In the business world, surprises sometimes have a very different meaning that does not have the same good feeling associated with it. … [Read more...]

What Invoice Factor Is Best For Your Company?

Once you have made the decision to Factor invoices, you have several options to consider when deciding what company to work with. In most cases (or industries) you want to work direct with the source. Cut out the middleman and save a few dollars in the process. This is common practice but not always the case when it comes to factoring. You certainly could work directly with a Factoring Company, but should you? … [Read more...]

Five Reasons to Consider Factoring Your Invoices

Anyone that runs a business on a day-to-day basis understands the need for continual cash flow. It is the lifeblood of business. The natural ebb and flow of business income can make some weeks a [financial] breeze while others may have you questioning whether you can make payroll the following week. With banks continually tightening the belt, many savvy business owners are turning to alternative means when it comes to generating a consistent cash flow. Here are five reasons to consider Invoice Factoring as your legitimate solution: … [Read more...]

Making Sense of Medical Factoring

Many factoring brokers steer clear of medical receivables factoring because they think it’s too hard to get a health care deal funded. I’m here to tell you otherwise. All you need is a general understanding of the types of companies that can benefit from medical factoring and a couple of strategic partnerships with the right health care factoring firms. … [Read more...]

Focus and Keep It Simple in the Factoring Business

As much as I hate to admit it, I was never a fan of multi-tasking. Not in the factoring business or any industry. Unfortunately in today’s texting, video conferencing, blogging and emailing business world you sometimes have no choice. Do you too find it annoying when … [Read more...]

Common Objections Encountered From Invoice Factoring Prospects

Although invoice factoring has become a bit more apparent in business finance today, misunderstandings, fears and objections are still quite common. Being prepared to hear and address objections or questions is the most professional approach to these encounters. Fortunately, the issues discussed herein are the most common concerns expressed by prospects and from my experience in both commercial and healthcare factoring will arise in almost all presentations or conference calls. … [Read more...]