5 Free Tools to Help Factoring Brokers Online

Looking for marketing and factoring training to increase business? Take advantage of these... Free Tools to Grow Your Factoring Business Online! 1. Google Places Page for Factoring Believe it or not Google is providing a free web page for local businesses through their Google Places Pages. This allows … [Read more...]

Factoring Broker Training – Making the Most of 30 Seconds

Ready to market your factoring business? It’s time to perfect your intro with these… Factoring Broker Training Tips! One of the first marketing skills to master as a factoring broker is creating and delivering your personal 30-second infomercial. No, we’re not talking about … [Read more...]

Starting Your Own Factoring Business? It’s Your Call

At some point in our working lives many of us think about starting a business and being our own boss. The thought of … [Read more...]

Factoring Brokers Get Paid Before a Deal Closes?

You have to hear about this... New Factoring Broker Promotion! We all know that factoring brokers normally get paid a referral fee after the factoring companies fund the invoices.  But PRN Funding is currently running a special offer to factoring brokers that pays a $50 gift card upon referral of a qualified medical staffing lead! It doesn't matter if it turns into a closed deal... you still get paid! It just has to meet these requirements: Upon evaluation and approval that the following criteria have been met for a referral, PRN Funding will mail out a $50 gift card (of the broker’s choosing) directly to the referral source: The prospect must be an organized entity (Corporation, LLC). Sole proprietorships, … [Read more...]

Factoring – How Medical Billing Companies Can Avoid the Double Credit Crunch

In this economy, many service-oriented small businesses are struggling to obtain cash on two fronts - (1) Acquiring or extending a line of credit and (2) Getting their customers to pay in a timely manner. Outsourced medical billing providers are just one type of business that is being affected by the "double credit crunch." On the one hand, banks have … [Read more...]

Is Groupon Marketing, Factoring, or Loan Sharking?

How Groupon makes Factoring Invoices look downright cheap for small business financing. … [Read more...]

Factoring: Is It Always About the Account Debtor?

We all know that factoring has been around for ages and due to the recent changes in the economy its popularity has increased dramatically. With financial institutions constricting credit to businesses, the increased demand for cash flow has created an opportunity for the asset based lending industry especially for … [Read more...]

Credit Squeeze Keeps Factoring Companies Busy

A small business owner who is trying to grow his/her business during a booming economy will hit some speed bumps when applying for traditional financing if he/she cannot show an extensive profitable operating history. Throw in the current economic climate, and the chance of an entrepreneur obtaining a conventional bank loan is slim to none. When loans are no longer an option, business owners have to find … [Read more...]

3 Business Factoring Benefits To Grow Your Bottom Line

Although there are many benefits to business factoring over getting a line of credit, consider these… 3 Ways Invoice Financing Can Help Your Business Factoring Benefit #1 - Take On The Slow Payers What?!? Purposely take on accounts that have slow payers? That is right… … [Read more...]

Comparing Factoring Companies

Whether you are looking to sell invoices you own or you have a client that is considering factoring, choosing the right Factoring Company to fund your deals can be challenging. Here are key items to consider when... … [Read more...]